

bead world

Gemstone of the Month: Larvikite

Bailey Ienuso October 4th, 2019

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Gemstone of the Month: LarvikiteOne of the gemstones we have been asked about most recently is the stunning Larvikite. Everyone wants to know what this...

Gemstone of the Month: Cavansite

Bailey Ienuso October 4th, 2019

bead world | bead world inc | cavansite | energetic properties of cavansite | gem of the month | gemstone of the month | gotm | metaphysical properties of cavansite

Gemstone of the Month: CavansiteLast up in our most recent series of noteworthy gemstones at Bead World is Cavansite. Cavansite is an uncommon, small...

Modern Gemstone Bracelet Tutorial

Modern Gemstone Bracelet Tutorial

Bailey Ienuso October 4th, 2019

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Modern Gemstone Bracelet TutorialIt is a beautiful combination of gemstone beads and sleek spacer beads, giving our gemstone stringing bracelet a modern,...

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