Delicate Dancing Star Knotted Gemstone Choker
Delicate Dancing Star Knotted Gemstone Choker
Materials Needed:
- 2mm Faceted Round Multi Gemstone
- Amoracast – Starfish - Vermeille
- Griffin Silk #1 – Jade
- Clamshells 14k Gold Filled
- 6mm Spring Clasp 14k Gold Filled
- Chain 14k Gold Filled (large enough links to fasten into, used for extension chain) 1” Used (add more for larger sizes)
- 3.5 x 5.3mm Oval 22g - 14k Gold Fill Jump Rings (used to attach starfish charm)
- Head Pin – 1 ½” 26g 14k Gold Filled
- Hypo Cement Glue
Finished Length 16”
Tools Required
Instructions on Construction:
I am not usually a big fan of ironing my Griffin silk but do find that when using the lower #’s (thinner cords) & smaller beads this helps a lot, it takes out the kinks that happen from the packaging. With heavier beads this isn’t usually a problem, the weight will pull the kinks out. Pre-stretch your cord which should help keeping knots where you want them to be!
1. The first thing you will do is attach the cord through the clamshell so that you have a means of attaching the finished, knotted gemstone, chain to the clasp. Tie an overhand knot at the end of your silk cord (the opposite end to where the needle attaches) leaving a small tail (I usually do several knots) and then take a size 11 seed bead & thread on so that it sits next the knot. At this stage you are ready to thread your needle & cord through the hole in the clamshell where your knotting will start.
* The reason I add a small seed bead on the inside of my clamshell is because it adds an extra layer of security against my knot pulling through the hole in the clamshell. This is especially important when using the smaller gauge knotting cords).
* Also note that some clamshells hinge at the back & some on the side, plus some
have hole to use jump rings with & others (like the ones used here have a small arm that you bend to form the link that attaches to clasp. Phew, information overload!
2. The cord should now be exiting your clamshell at the appropriate place. Tie your first knot so that it sits tights against the opening of clamshell. Use you preferred way of knotting, tweezers, awl or fingers… just make sure that your knots are in the correct place before tightening fully…. It is a bear to try to undo knots!
3. The griffin silk has a built-in needle that helps a lot with threading your beads. I try to thread the beads straight from the strand they come on (whenever I can), directly onto my griffin silk.
* You may find this easier if you trim the needle a little, not so bendy that way!
4. At this stage thread on all the beads in the sequence that you desire. With these mixed gemstones I pretty much followed the sequence that that they came in (taking out any that didn’t please me). I used 140 of the 2mm beads, you can adjust your numbers to make larger or smaller. There are approx. 10 beads (with knots between) per inch.
5. Let the knotting begin! In this piece I knotted between every bead, making sure that the knots were nice and tight against the previous bead. You will tie knots between all the beads until you reach the end, remember to do a final knot after the last bead.
6. Go into the second clamshell so that you are in the position with cord coming through from outside into the interior of the shell (the opposite of how you started your piece). You will now add a size 11 seed bead & tie several knots to tightly secure the seed bead.
7. At this stage I trim or use my Thread Zap to get rid of excess cord…make sure your knots are tight first! I use a little glue to secure the bead/knot to the inside of clam shell…. You do not want excess cord to show when clamshell is closed.
8. If you are using the type of clamshell with 2 rings you may now gently close your clamshell with your needle nose pliers & you can use jump rings to attach spring clasp to clamshell on one end & extension chain on the other end. Open your jump rings with flat nose plier & needle nose plier (one on either side of the break point) open to the side & only as much as needed to thread on clasp or chain, then close so that pieces line up nicely.
9. If you are using the other type of clamshell you will need to take your round nose pliers and manipulate the arm so that it will be enclosed when the clamshell is closed. This can act in place of a jump ring so don’t forget to thread on the extension chain before gently closing your clamshell with needle nose pliers. For this design I also attached directly into the spring clasp. You could also use one or two open jump rings to attach clasp.
* This can provide a little more flexibility with the clasp.
10. The chain is finished with a cool wire wrapped dangle. Take a headpin add 2 x gem & then wire wrap to the end of the chain. If you do not have wire wrapping in your skill set yet, you could add a petite charm to the end of the chain with a jump ring, this would also be a cool way to finish this bracelet. The length of your extension chain is a personal thing, remember that you can add length here if you want to make this choker more versatile.
21. You are now ready to attach the 3.5 x 5.3mm oval jump ring to the starfish dangle. Use the needle nose & the flat nose pliers to open the jump ring, then add the starfish charm. Find the mid-point of your choker & thread through your open jump ring & then carefully close the jump ring. The size of this jump ring will allow the charm to move over the beads.
11. Try on your new bracelet & admire your handiwork!
12. Enjoy!
Jewelry designed by Steph Stirniman
Check out our Delicate Dancing Dragonfly 3x Wrap Knotted Gemstone Bracelet