​Gemstone of the Month: Bumble Bee “Jasper”

​Gemstone of the Month: Bumble Bee “Jasper”

Gemstone of the Month: Bumble Bee “Jasper”

Next in our line-up is Bumble Bee “Jasper”. This striking gemstone is relatively new. It was found in the late 1990s at Mount Papandayan in West Java, Indonesia. Since then, Bumble Bee “Jasper” has also been found in Australia, but is still considered pretty rare.


Interestingly, Bumble Bee “Jasper” is not a jasper at all (hence the quotes). That’s just the common trade name. It’s actually a sedimentary rock comprised of sulfur, manganese oxides, arsenic-sulfide minerals (realgar & orpiment), and calcium-carbonate minerals (calcite & aragonite). Bumble Bee “Jasper” forms in volcanic fumarole environments where these minerals layer on top of each other over time. The layers of these vibrant minerals give Bumble Bee “Jasper” it’s bumble bee like looks – yellow from the sulfur, black from the manganese oxides, and orange from the arsenic sulfides. Keep in mind that sulfur and arsenic can be toxic when exposed, so it’s best to stick to finished, sealed pieces of Bumble Bee “Jasper”. If you do choose to explore lapidary work with Bumble Bee “Jasper”, make sure you have researched safe practices and proceed with caution.


Bumble Bee “Jasper” represents finding the path to your highest destiny and achieving a triumph over the impossible. It resonates with both the 2nd and the 3rd chakras, giving it the unique energetic combination of passion & purpose. This duality provides an excitement for life as well as confidence in your actions and inspires creativity while motivating achievement & manifestation. It heightens the desire for adventure & encourages seizing opportunities. It can also clarify both mental thoughts & gut instincts. Bumble Bee “Jasper” increases courage, assertiveness, endurance, & concentration, and at the same time it reduces fear, indecisiveness, & hesitation.


Ultimately, Bumble Bee “Jasper” can guide you in living your best life – helping you to realize your ultimate ambitions and aspirations, while giving you the spirit to fulfill them.

Happy Beading!!

4th Oct 2019 Bailey Ienuso

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