

​Gemstone of the Month: Opal

​Gemstone of the Month: Opal

Lezli Goodwin

Gemstone of the Month: Opal

ethiopean opal

The most jubilant birthstone choice for October babies, opal has been prized since ancient Greece. Available in a wide range of colors, opal is most known for it’s unique interplay of variable colors. Until recently, no one knew why opals contain such fire. Now, we know that the internal spherical structure of opals makes it diffract light in a special way. Interestingly, opals actually contain 9-12% water. 95% of the world’s supply of opals come from Australia, but they are also mined in Mexico, Brazil, Ethiopia and America. NASA even reports that there are opal deposits on Mars!

Opals have long been associated with healing. They are said to represent happiness, confidence and loyalty. Wear opals, and you will be led to your one true love. It’s a tradition among Scandinavian women to wear hairbands inset with opal to prevent gray hair! Whatever you seek, come on in to your favorite Bead World store. Take a look and see what people have seen through the ages when they admired the intense beauty of the opal.

Happy Beading!

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