Gemstones for Stress Management During the Holiday Season
Gemstones for Stress Management During the Holiday Season
Halloween is over and the holiday season is officially upon us!! As much as I love the holidays, it can also be filled with lots of stress between all of the activities we want to accomplish, buying gifts for everyone, family dynamics… There are so many things that can detract from the fun of the holiday season. We wanted to share some gemstones to help with stress management in an effort to help you enjoy the holidays to their full potential, without letting all that silly stress get in the way.
Aquamarine & Morganite are two of my favorite gemstones for stress management. Aquamarine is one of the most calming energies. It reduces stress and calms your surroundings, perfect for holiday shopping in busy stores or for crowded, overwhelming gatherings. Morganite is believed to heal stress related illnesses, making it an ideal stone for helping to make sure stress doesn’t wear on your immune system and to keep you well all through the holidays. Morganite also calms a stressed life and helps you to understand your emotional needs.
Ametrine is another amazing stone that is believed to heal stress related illnesses & to keep you healthy. It also helps you to understand the underlying cause of stress and allows you to not be influenced by stressful external forces
Onyx (shown here as matte onyx with Sanskrit etched into the sides) provides support during difficult situations, especially during times of intense stress.
Amethyst releases stress from all sources (physical, mental, emotional, etc.) and relieves tension & headaches.
Blue Lace Agate is a cooling & calming stone. It soothes stress, anger, and feelings of judgement (particularly in parent/child relationships)
Lapis Lazuli possesses a lot of serenity and quickly replaces stress with peace. It encourages you to take charge of your own life and boosts self-expression.
Moonstone is one of my personal favorite stones for everything!! I feel like everyone should have moonstone in their life. Moonstone is especially helpful for calming emotional overreactions and emotional triggers, so often the cause of stress during the holidays. It further helps by soothing stress, stabilizing the emotions, and ending old emotional patterns.
Peridot reduces stress, anger, & resentment, while helping you to see the positive aspect of situations that may appear negative.
Smoky Quartz is amazing for relieving stress. It increases your ability to deal with difficult situations and encourages you to release things that no longer serve you.
Kyanite limits anger, frustration, & stress by guiding you toward logical thoughts rather than getting caught up in the emotional reactions.
Hopefully these gemstones will help you enjoy the holiday season fully!! Interested in learning more about stress-relieving gemstones? These are just some of my favorite options, but you can also look into larimar, azurite, kunzite, lepidolite, magnesite, blue tiger’s eye, obsidian, charoite, fluorite, rhodochrosite, or moss agate for more stress-relieving properties to get you through not just the holiday season, but the whole year!