



  • Thulite A Grade Polished 8mm Round Thulite A Grade Polished 8mm Round

    Thulite A Grade Polished 8mm Round

    Bead World Gems

    Approximate beads per strand: 45 What is it: Thulite is a pink variety of the Zoisite mineral group, with colors ranging from pale pink to deep rose. The colors depend on the amount of Manganese in the stone. There may also be black, grey, and white...
  • Thulite Polished 8mm Round Thulite Polished 8mm Round

    Thulite Polished 8mm Round

    Bead World Gems

    Approximate beads per strand: 45 What is it: Thulite is a pink variety of the Zoisite mineral group, with colors ranging from pale pink to deep rose. The colors depend on the amount of Manganese in the stone. There may also be black, grey, and white...

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