

Pearly White Heart Earrings – Four Drop

Pearly White Heart Earrings – Four Drop

Steph Stirniman

Pearly White Heart Earrings – Four Drop

These earrings are made from beautiful white shell in flat heart shapes, they are wire wrapped to form long dangles that are lightweight and have good movement. * This design can be made with as many hearts as gives your desired length.

Materials Needed: 

Length: 3” with 2 ½” drop

Tools Needed: 

Needle Nose Pliers

Round Nose Pliers


Bead Mat


Key Code: A = 2mm Sterling Silver Bead B = 10mm White Shell Heart

Instructions on Construction:

1. You will work on both earrings at the same time as this helps in sizing. Start by taking a sharpie and drawing a line across both prongs on your round nose pliers, close to the pointy ends. This will give you an accurate place to line up your wire every time you make a loop. * Remember you can alter the placement of your ink mark depending on whether you want larger or smaller loops.

2. To make the bottom section of earring: Take headpin and thread on A (1), B (1), then using needle nose and round nose pliers make a small loop, wrap wire & trim. * Repeat with the second earring.

3. To make the next section of earring: Take a headpin and cut off the flat end then make a small loop, thread this into the loop first section, then make one full turn of wire but DO NOT trim. Thread on A (1), B (1) make a small loop & wrap one full turn. You can now wrap half turn at a time, on alternate ends, until you fill in space, trim and tamp in pointy end if needed. * Repeat with the second earring.

4. Repeat the last step until you have four heart drops. On the top heart section complete the wraps on either side of heart.

5. Using flat nose and needle nose pliers carefully open jump ring and attach to the heart ear wire, then close carefully making sure it is secure. * Repeat with second earring.

6. Now it is time to try on the earrings & admire your handywork.

7. Enjoy!

Pearly White Heart Earrings - Three Drop

These earrings are made in the same way as the four-drop earrings but the 2mm silver beads are only used on the bottom section.

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