

​Frosty Snowman Pearl Earrings

​Frosty Snowman Pearl Earrings

Steph Stirniman

Frosty Pearl Earrings – so cute for the season!

These fun little guys are perfect to make as holiday gifts for family, friends, or yourself! We have shown them with gold or red seed beads but choose any color that appeals to you.

Drop Length approx. 1.25”

Materials Needed:

Tools Required:

Round Nose Pliers

Needle Nose Pliers (also known as chain nose)

Flat Nose Pliers


Bead Mat


Key Code for Beads:

A = 9-10mm Pearl B = 7-8mm Pearl

Instructions on Construction:

1. Start by taking a sharpie and drawing a line across both prongs on your round nose pliers, close to the pointy ends. This will give you an accurate place to line up your wire every time you make a loop for the wire wrap dangles. * Remember you can alter the placement of your ink mark depending on whether you want larger or smaller loops. With these earrings you want a small loop so that the top hat sits close to the snowman head.

2. Take a 24g headpin and thread A (1), B (1) make a small loop, complete wire wrap trying to go for 2 wraps * Repeat with the second earring.

3. The next step is to make the scarf for Frosty, so take a 26g headpin and cut off the end cap. Using the very end point of round nose pliers make a tiny fold back at end of wire, looks a tiny pear shape. Thread your seed beads, making the scarf your desired length (20-25 beads seemed about the right number) and then make a

fold back on second end of wire (just like you started with). * Remember to leave a little slack in the wire as this will need to wrap around the neck area on Frosty!

4. You are now ready to dress your snowman, you can give him a little swag and character and wear his scarf as you see fit. * Repeat for second earring.

5. The loop created above the snowman head will thread onto the earring and Frosty is ready to dance below his hat! * Repeat for second earring.

6. Now it is time to try on the earrings & admire your handiwork.

7. Enjoy!

Jewelry designed by Steph Stirniman at


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