

Gemstones for Peace

Gemstones for Peace

Bailey Ienuso

Gemstones for Peace


Life can be trying at times. For many, this is one of those times. The unfamiliar newness of this experience and the uncertainty about how it will pan out are triggering stress, anxiety, and worry for a lot of people. That is completely understandable! We've never experienced anything like this in our lifetimes, so it's normal to feel concerned and out of control as we navigate this current reality. Those feelings are hard enough as it is, but if you have a baseline of mental health challenges already, these triggers piled on top can feel downright debilitating. Even if you're handling this new normal well and are feeling relatively unphased, we all experience moments of added stress and worry in our lives that we could use help with. While we don't have a special ability to make the world go back to normal, we do have other magical coping tools that we wanted to remind you of - the therapeutic healing power of beading and a wide range of gemstones that can energetically usher peace into your lives. Here are some of our favorite peace-bringing gemstones (all of these gemstones are available on our fabulous website so you can shop from the comfort of your own home - just click the gemstone name and it will take you to our site!): 


Aquamarine - calms; reduces stress; supports you when you feel overwhelmed; filters & clarifies information; soothes fear; helps you to identify & interpret your own emotional state


Moonstone - calms emotional overreactions; reduces emotional triggers; releases stress & stabilizes emotions


Amethyst - associated with higher consciousness & spiritual connections; blocks stress & negativity; facilitates a meditative state that helps you feel more tranquil and in control; reduces insomnia caused by an overactive mind or recurrent nightmares; relieves anger, fear, anxiety, & grief


Kunzite - reduces stress-related anxiety, depression, & panic attacks; provides tranquility, love, & peace


Pyrite - protects from negative energy; relieves anxiety & frustration; especially beneficial for those experiencing melancholy or despair


Rose Quartz - the stone of love & infinite peace; provides deep inner healing & self-love; perfect stone for use in trauma or crisis; removes negative energy & replaces it with loving energy; helps you to accept change


Onyx - provides strength in difficult circumstances; supports you during periods of excessive stress; relieves fear & worry


Chrysocolla - radiates tranquility; helps you to accept situations that are constantly changing and/or are out of your control


Citrine - promotes joy, happiness, & creativity; attracts abundance & prosperity, reducing concerns about financial stability; encourages positivity, optimism, and going with the flow in new experiences; alleviates depression, fear, and worry


Amazonite - calms the mind; soothes trauma; releases worry & fear


These are just a few of my personal favorite gemstones for stressful situations. Hopefully these help you, but if you need a different recommendation for your personal concerns just reach out and we'll see if we can direct you towards the ideal stone! I know this time feels chaotic, but I am so grateful to have beading and gemstone energy!! It's so therapeutic. So friends - keep beading, be gentle to yourselves, soak up the sunshine as much as you can, do whatever feels good for your soul, and remember...this too shall pass! 

Happy Beading!!

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