

Gemstone of the Month: Howlite

Gemstone of the Month: Howlite

Bailey Ienuso

Gemstone of the Month: Howlite

Howlite was first discovered in Nova Scotia in 1868 by Canadian mineralogist, Henry How. It is most commonly found in Canada and the U.S., but it has also been found in Mexico, Germany, Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Namibia. It’s raw form grows in cauliflower-like masses. Natural Howlite is an opaque white with grey veining, similar to the beautiful white & gray marble counter tops everyone wants in their kitchens right now. It has often been dyed in an attempt to pass it off as other, more expensive gemstones (typically turquoise or coral), but recently it has been easier to find in its natural white form. We’re so happy about that because it is beautiful in it’s natural state too.


A beneficial stone for pretty much everyone, Howlite is calming and soothes emotions. It brings a level of peace, happiness, and contentment to the wearer. The calming nature of Howlite reduces anxiety, tension, stress, pain, and anger. It can also increase awareness, wisdom, and enlightenment. In addition to all of that, Howlite can be used to combat insomnia and quiet overactive minds.

Stop into Bead World to feel the calming, peaceful vibes of Howlite.

Happy Beading!!

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