

​Gemstone of the Month: Jade

​Gemstone of the Month: Jade

Bailey Ienuso

Gemstone of the Month: Jade

One of the most well-known gemstones, Jade actually refers to two different stones – Jadeite and Nephrite. Although Jade has been used for over 5000 years, it wasn’t until 1863 that a French mineralogist, Alexis Damour, discovered that Jade could really be separated into Jadeite and Nephrite. Interestingly, stone workers suspected that there may be a difference because the Jade carved differently depending on it’s origin. They just didn’t have the technology to know for sure yet.


While both types of Jade are beautiful, technically Jadeite is considered to be the rarer and more precious version. Jadeite has been found in Myanmar, Japan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Guatemala, Cuba, Canada, and the United States, but Imperial Jade (the most highly sought after form of Jadeite) can only be found in Myanmar. Nephrite has been found in New Zealand, Australia, China, Taiwan, Russia, Poland, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Canada, and Alaska. Jade is most recognizable in its beautiful shades of green, but it can also be yellow, orange, white, lavender, grey, or black.


We typically think of Jade in relation to Chinese culture, but it was also historically used by the Mayans & Aztecs in Mexico & Central America and by the Maori people in New Zealand. Jade was shaped into weapons, tools, decorative pieces, jewelry, and more. It’s mohs hardness of 6-7 and structural composition make it a good medium for carving intricate designs or fashioning it into rudimentary tools.


Jade has a lovely, soft energy that boosts the heart chakra. It represents purity, peacefulness, and wisdom attained through tranquility. Using Jade is believed to increase good luck, friendship, abundance, prosperity, and the growth of your chi or your life-force energy.


Come see our Jade in person at Bead World! It’s the perfect gemstone for anyone wanting to bring abundance, tranquility, or good fortune into their life.

Happy Beading!!

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