 Golden Flower Garden Collection - ​Six Flower Necklace

Golden Flower Garden Collection - ​Six Flower Necklace

Golden Flower Garden Collection - Six Flower Necklace

Materials Needed:

 Finished Length 16 - 17” * Can be made to length of your choice.

Tools Required

Needle Nose Pliers

Round Nose Pliers

Flat Nose Pliers

Flex Wire Cutter

Crimping Pliers

Bead Mat

Bead Stop

Key Code:

B = Blue Flower O = Orange Flower R = Red Flower G = Green Flower P = Pink Flower GSB = Gold Seed Bead

Instructions on Construction:

1. Cut 21” section of beading wire & attach a bead stop approx. 3” from end of wire.

2. Stringing is as follows: GSB (67), B (1), GSB (7), G (1), GSB (7), P (1), GSB (7), O (1), GSB (7), R (1), GSB (67)

3. Now is the time to check for size: If you want to reduce size & make a tighter choker remove an equal number of seed beads from either side, if you want to make a longer length you can either add seed beads to both sides or add extra length in your extender chain.

4. Thread on crimp tube and attach to jump ring, then attach jump ring to clasp or attach directly to loop on trigger clasp. I used a flat crimp then placed a crimp cover over the crimp to give professional finish. *Remember to keep your wires parallel when crimping, to give the most secure attachment, do not forget to give a test pull on your wire.

5. Remove bead stop, thread on a crimp tube and thread through last link in the extension chain then back through crimp tube.

6. Lay your necklace on your worktop in a circle to make sure you leave enough slack in the wire, the beads need to have enough room to sit easily.

7. You are now ready to crimp your necklace and add the second crimp cover.

8. Take head pin and add GSB (1), P (1) now using needle nose and round nose pliers wire wrap this to the last link in the extension chain, trim and tamp in pointy end.

9. You are now ready to try on necklace and to admire your handy work. Enjoy!

Jewelry designed by Steph Stirniman at

13th Jul 2021 Steph Stirniman

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